[ { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Store", "url": "http://www.EuroPlugs.com", "name": "Euro Plugs", "description": "World Wide Plug Adapters | Universal Plugs for use in any Country | Euro Plug Adapter | Asian Plug adapter | US Plug adapter", "logo": "https://www.europlugs.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Euro-Plugs-Wonpro-II.png", "hasMap": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/3201+E+Lynx+Pl,+Chandler,+AZ+85249/@33.2368775,-111.7882057,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x872a54ca72981621:0xe5ec2428739f4b6f!8m2!3d33.236873!4d-111.786017", "email": "sales@europlugs.com", "telephone": "480-298-0924", "sameAs": [ "https://www.facebook.com/WonproEuroplugs/", "https://twitter.com/EuroplugsWonpro", "https://plus.google.com/b/117473273040171111836/+Europlugs/about", "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlAJEr4yBVtD0J7fojGvGw/about", "https://www.diigo.com/profile/Europlugsaz", "" ], "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "5", "ratingCount": "12" }, "openingHours": [ "mo-fri 8:00 - 5:00" ], "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "Chandler", "addressRegion": "AZ", "postalCode": "85249", "streetAddress": "3201 E. Lynx Place" }, "geo": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": "33.236877", "longitude": "-111.78493400000002" } } ]

EAS Plug Adapter White

Showing all 17 results

5 Year Warranty – Buy What the U.S. Military Buys to Use in the

10+ Amp not 6 Amp like 25 Year Old Design Adapter, Only Adapter to Meet
IEC 60884-2 Amperage Rating

Patented New Slide-In Safety Shutters, Same Size as WA-320, Half Size of

Patented Schuko Ground Support – Truly Universal, Old WAS-GF Adapters Can
Only Take 3 Plugs

Extremely Solid and Fire Resistant – Stands Up to Hammer Blows and Burn

Weight Comparison: EAS, EA, old WAS, WA - Material and Quality Difference
Model Name 5 US 7 UK 9 Euro 9C EU 10 India 10L ZA 11A Swiss 12A Italy 14 Israel 16 AU/CN 20 DK 18 US 6/15 21 US 6/20 320 IEC C14
EAS 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.3 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.7 1.2 1.2 1.2
WAS 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.7 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.1 1.1 1.1
EA 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.7 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.0 1.6 1.1 1.1 1.1
WA 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.4 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.7 1.1 0.8 0.8 0.8


EAS is  50%  Heavier than WA.   EA is  40%  Heavier than WA.

  Most Popular EAS Plug Adapters and Their Applicable Countries

 Model Name

  Most Applicable Countries

EA-5_black   US, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Taiwan (Can Convert NEMA5/20P to NEMA/5/15P)
EA-7_black   UK, Irland, Hong Kong, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwat & other Middle East
EA-9_black   Germany, France, Czech, Russia, Greece, Korea
EA-9C_black   All European Outlets which use round pins (4.0mm or 4.8mm), ungrounded
EA-10_black   India
EA-10L_black   South Africa
EA-11A_black   Switzerland
EA-12A_black   Italy
EA-14_black   Israel
EA-16_black   Australia, China
EA-20_black   Denmark
EA-18_black   US NEMA 6/15, 250V 15A
EA-21_black   US NEMA 6/20, 250V 20A
EA-320_black   IEC-320 C-14

   EA_black Product Specifications - Unique Features for Each Model

EA_black Universal Plug Adapter Specifications
Model Name IEC Rating Weight oz Dimensions inch Applicable Countries (Major Ones Only)
EA-5_black US 15A 125V~ 1.1 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.9 US, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Taiwan, Convert NEMA5/20P to NEMA/5/15P
EA-6_black US 15A 125V~ 1.0 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.7 Same as EA_5, but ungrounded
EA-7_black UK 13A 250V~ 1.3 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.9 UK, Irland, Hong Kong, Singapore, Iraq, Saudi Arabia (and Most Middle East)
EA-9_black Euro 13A 250V~ 1.5 1.46 x 1.46 x 2.6 Germany, France, Czech, Russia, Greece, Turkey, South Korea
EA-9C_black EU 10A 250V~ 1.2 1.46 x 1.46 x 2.5 EU "Angled" 2-pin plug adapter, Any country  uses "round pins", except US, UK, AU/China
EA-10_black India 10A 250V~ 1.3 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.9 India All solid pins. No hallow pin.
EA-10L_black S. Africa 16A 250V~ 1.7 1.46 x 1.46 x 2.2 South Africa, India for Industry Use only All solid pins, no hallow pin.
EA-11A_black Switzerland 10A 250V~ 1.3 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.8 Switzerland - follow Swiss "Double Triangle Inlay" standard. Tight connection. Easy to unplug
EA-12A_black Italy 10A 250V~ 1.4 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.8 Italy - follow Italian "Oval Inlay" standard. Tight connection. Easy to remove
EA-12_black Italy 10A 250V~ 1.0 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.7 Italy - coast cities, especially those have navel bases.
EA-14_black Israel 10A 250V~ 1.3 1.46 x 1.46 x 2.4 Israel - with new "inlay" to fit Israeli new "recessed socket" (similar to Schuko, but shorter)
EA-16_black AU/China 10A 250V~ 1.0 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.8 AU / China - use the insulated THICKER stronger metal blades, NOT the thinner China or US blades.
EA-17_black AU/China 10A 250V~ 0.9 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.7 Same as EA-16, but ungrounded
EA-20_black Denmark 10A 250V~ 1.6 1.46 x 1.46 x 2.4 Denamrk - with new "inlay" to fit Denmark new "recessed socket" (similar to Schuko, but shorter)
EA-18_black Nema 6/20 15A 250V~ 1.1 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.9 US NEMA 6/15, 250V 15A US Embassies all over the world.
EA-21_black Nema 6/20 20A 250V~ 1.1 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.9 US NEMA 6/20, 250V 20A US Embassies all over the world.
EA-320_black IEC C14 10A 250V~ 1.1 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.7 IEC-320 C-14

  EA_black Product Specification - Common Features in All Models

  Socket Design 1.46 x 1.46 - "L x W" Face Plate Area of EA is SAME the size of WA, but much HEAVIER.
Use the latest "EAbc" universal socket - 'b': Support Brazil new BR-2, BR-3 plugs. 'c': Correct the N-L reversed error for ("ch") Swiss Plug
  True Amperage TruAmp universal plug adapters are the only ones can truly meet IEC 60884-2-5 Amperage Rating / Temperature Rise Standards.
Each Model requires its own Mold to support different end-to-end wiring. Each connection point has to be riveted.
  Schuko Ground More than 80% of European population use Schuko socket. TruAmp is the only universal plug adapter that can support Schuko Grounding.
Without proper grounding,  static electricity in the air will mess up medical and other sensitive electronical device.
Grounding is a very important safety protection for any high Amperage devices.
  Main Materials Metal  - Phosphorus Copper:  The Highest Conductivity. Please see the IEC 60884-5-2  Amperage / Temperature Rise Test Reports.
Plastic - PC V110 (Polycarbonates): Extremely Inflammable, Extremely Fire Resistant. Please see the "Burn Test" pictures and video.
  Manufacturing EA-9C, the EU plug adapter strictly follows the "Angled" long EU plug standard, not an Italy plug adapter without the ground pin.
Supersonic Plastic Welding to SEAL all parts into ONE UNBREAKABLE adapter - You literally have to use a HAMMER to break it apart.
  Safety Shutters NO
Plug Adapter Quality Comparison: US, UK, Euro, Nema 6/20
Brand Name Model Name Marked Rating IEC Rating Weight oz Safety Shutters Face Plate Area Size Dimensions inch Plastic Copper
TruAmp EAS-5 US 15A 125V~ 15A 125V~ 1.2 Slide IN  HALF size of  WAS-5 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.9 PC Inflammable Phosphorus Copper High Conductivity
Wonpro WAS-5 US 10A 250V~ 6A   125V~ 1.1 Slide OUT TWICE size of EAS-5 2.0 x 2.0 x 2.0 ABS Very Flammable Brass Poor Conductivity
TruAmp EA-5 US 15A 125V~ 15A 125V~ 1.1 NO Same size of  WA-5 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.9 PC Inflammable Phosphorus Copper High Conductivity
Wonpro WA-5 US 10A 250V~ 6A 125V~ 0.8 NO Same size of EA-5 1.42 x 1.42 x 2.0 ABS Very Flammable Brass Poor Conductivity
TruAmp EAS-7 UK 13A 250V~ 13A 250V~ 1.4 Slide IN  HALF size of  WAS-7 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.9 PC Inflammable Phosphorus Copper High Conductivity
Wonpro WAS-7 UK 13A 250V~ 6A 250V~ 1.3 Slide OUT TWICE size of EAS-7 2.0 x 2.0 x 2.0 ABS Very Flammable Brass Poor Conductivity
TruAmp EA-7 UK 13A 250V~ 13A 250V~ 1.3 No Same size of  WA-7 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.9 PC Inflammable Phosphorus Copper High Conductivity
Wonpro WA-7 UK 13A 250V~ 6A 250V~ 1.0 No Same size of EA-7 1.42 x 1.42 x 1.9 ABS Very Flammable Brass Poor Conductivity
TruAmp EAS-9 Euro 13A 250V~ 16A 250V~ 1.6 Slide IN  HALF size of  WAS-9 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.9 PC Inflammable Phosphorus Copper High Conductivity
Wonpro WAS-9 Euro 13A 250V~ 6A 250V~ 1.4 Slide OUT TWICE size of EAS-9 2.0 x 2.0 x 2.0 ABS Very Flammable Brass Poor Conductivity
TruAmp EA-9 Euro 13A 250V~ 16A 250V~ 1.5 No Same size of  WA-9 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.9 PC Inflammable Phosphorus Copper High Conductivity
Wonpro WA-9 Euro 13A 250V~ 6A 250V~ 1.1 No Same size of EA-9 1.42 x 1.42 x 1.9 ABS Very Flammable Brass Poor Conductivity
TruAmp EAS-21 Nema 6/20 20A 250V~ 20A 250V~ 1.2 Slide IN  HALF size of  WAS-21 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.9 PC Inflammable Phosphorus Copper High Conductivity
Wonpro WAS-21 Nema 6/20 20A 250V~ 6A 250V~ 1.1 Slide OUT TWICE size of EAS-21 2.0 x 2.0 x 2.0 ABS Very Flammable Brass Poor Conductivity
TruAmp EA-21 Nema 6/20 20A 250V~ 20A 250V~ 1.1 No Same size of  WA-21 1.46 x 1.46 x 1.9 PC Inflammable Phosphorus Copper High Conductivity
Wonpro WA-21 Nema 6/20 20A 250V~ 6A 250V~ 0.8 No Same size of EA-21 1.42 x 1.42 x 1.9 ABS Very Flammable Brass Poor Conductivity

TruAmp® Wonpro II  -  Universal Plug Adapters

   IEC Temperature Rise Testing Rules

1.     For adapters less than or equal to 10A will test 1.4 times (overload 40%)

2.     For adapters above 10A will test 1.25 times (overload 25%)

3.     Testing for 1 hour, the temperature rise of the terminals & contacts is not to exceed 45K

      (not exceed 45 Kelvin degree is equivalent to not exceed 45 Celsius)

The above means IEC "HEAT Generation" test is purely an Amperage issue, nothing to do with Voltage (110 volt or 220 volt makes no difference)

  • The most of the world's 10 Amp adapters are to be tested at 14 Amp for one hour.

  • The US 15 Amp adapters (EA-5, NEMA 5/15P and EA-18 NEMA 6/15P) are to be tested at 18.75 Amp for one hour.

  • The US 20 Amp adapters (EA-21, NEMA 5/20P) is to be tested at 25 Amp for one hour.

  • The UK 13 Amp adapters (EA-7) is to be tested at 16.25 Amp for one hour.

  • The German/French/Schuko 16 Amp adapters (EA-9) is to be tested at 20 Amp for one hour.

TruAmp Plug Adapter Rated Amp Tested Amp Tested Time Temp Rise (K)
EAS-5, EA-6 (125V)       US 15.0 18.8 1 Hour 36.3
EAS-18 (250V)                US 15.0 18.8 1 Hour 36.3
EAS-21 (250V)                US 20.0 25.0 1 Hour 43.2
EAS-7                             UK 13.0 16.3 1 Hour 35.5
EAS-9                           Euro 16.0 20.0 1 Hour 36.1
EAS-9C                          EU 10.0 14.0 1 Hour 30.0
EAS-11A           Switzerland 10.0 14.0 1 Hour 32.5
EAS-12A                      Italy 10.0 14.0 1 Hour 32.5
EAS-16                AU, China 10.0 14.0 1 Hour 23.8
TruAmp EAS, EA use Direct Wiring, every connection is Riveted require 20+ MOLDS Wonpro WA, WAS, and ALL "Generic" WonPro 25 Years Old plug adapters All use the SAME Muli-Layered 1 COMMON MOLD CHEAP design, thus all have the same DEFECT.
WA, WAS, WASGF, and ALL "Generic" WonPro 25 Years Old Universal Plug Adapters 6.0 8.4 1 Hour 44.8

Using US Plug Standards as an example: 15 Amp ~ 20 Amp

The 4 US plug adapters demonstrate our technical superiority on meeting IEC 60884-2-5 Amp / Temp Rise standards:

EAS-5      US NEMA 5/15P adapter (Type B)    15 Amp, 125V    tested  18.8 Amp    rise  36.3K

EAS-6      US NEMA 5/15P adapter (Type A)    15 Amp, 125V    tested  18.8 Amp    rise  36.3K

EAS-18    US NEMA 6/15P adapter                    15 Amp, 250V    tested  18.8 Amp    rise  36.3K

EAS-21    US NEMA 6/20P adapter                    20 Amp, 250V    tested  25.0 Amp    rise  43.2K

   Notes On Temperature Rise Test Report

Using US Plug Standards as an example: 15 Amp ~ 20 Amp

 1.     We highlight 4 US plug adapters to demonstrate our technical superiority on IEC 60884-2-5 temperature rise testing:

EAS-5      US NEMA 5/15P adapter (Type B)    15 Amp, 125V    tested  18.8 Amp    rise  36.3K

EAS-6      US NEMA 5/15P adapter (Type A)    15 Amp, 125V    tested  18.8 Amp    rise  36.3K

EAS-18    US NEMA 6/15P adapter                    15 Amp, 250V    tested  18.8 Amp    rise  36.3K

EAS-21    US NEMA 6/20P adapter                    20 Amp, 250V    tested  25.0 Amp    rise  43.2K


2.     Please note that IEC 60884-2-5 Temperature Rise is only driven by Amperage.

      Voltage (110v, 125v, 220v, 230v, 250v, etc.) has nothing to do with temperature rise testst


3.     In all the Adapters, US NEMA 6/20R receptacle has the highest Amperage: 20 Amp.

EAS-21 is designed to be used with US NEMA 6/20R socket.


4.     Note that the most Amp you can draw out of EAS-21 is 16 Amp.

Since EAS-21 is an adapter, the plug which it can convert to use this NEMA 6/20R 20 Amp socket and draw the most amperage out of it is the 16 Amp Schuko plug.


5.     In other words, we only need to test EAS-21 against 16 Amp rating (overload tested by 20 Amp electricity). In order to demonstrate our new direct wiring internal interconnectivity, we went ahead and tested EAS-21 against 20 Amp rating (overloaded tested by 25 Amp). This is an very high theoretical Amperage which will never be used in real world application. But, as shown in the table, we still pass this extremely high 20 Amp IEC rating requirement. After one hour of 25 Amp overloaded testing, its temperature only rose 43.2K  (please note that temperature increased by 43.2 Kevin.


6.     TrueAmp Universal Plug Adapter: The EA and EAS Amperage Ratings Meet IEC 60884-2-5 plug adapter standards.

ALL EuraPra / "Wonpro II" adapters are Always Cool, Never Melt!


ALL WA, WAS, WASGF, WAIIvs, WAIIIvs and ALL "Generic" WonPro plug adapter are only 6.0 Amp!